Cyprus’ Leading Mapping Company
33 years of excellence in Cartography
SELAS has been assigned a variety of GIS projects for medium and large sized public and private companies.
SELAS provides digital web mapping solutions to the public and private sectors.
Following the information technology evolution and recognizing the customer needs in today’s dynamic environment we have adopted the Software as a Service (SaaS) model for the application development and implementation.
SELAS provides digital web mapping solutions to the public and private sectors.
Based on the rich digital geographical database of Cyprus (“MapCyprusTM”), we can produce map-centered mobile applications.
The mobile applications include our own navigable geodatabase of Cyprus produced locally and subject to quality controls.
A sample of such application is the MapCyprus app, the first application of its kind in Cyprus with thousands of users, awarded in 2014 as “The Best Digital Data Product” in an international map competition in London.
Based on the rich digital geographical database of Cyprus (“MapCyprusTM“)
Our custom services include editorial, research and design of a variety of maps from high quality road maps, atlas mapping, illustrated and pictorial maps, hiking and cycling maps, travel books, promotional maps, special purpose maps etc.
SELAS provides custom cartography services for the specific needs of businesses and individuals. We undertake the whole production of custom maps from the compilation of data, cartography and printing for any coverage area, size, printed or digital.
Our custom services include editorial, research and design of a variety of maps from high quality road maps, atlas mapping, illustrated and pictorial maps, hiking and cycling maps, travel books, promotional maps, special purpose maps etc.
Cyprus’s leading provider of geography-based educational products for teachers and students.
SELAS has been, for many years, in the forefront of providing geography-based educational material to schools such as geographical school atlases, wall maps, 3-Dimensional maps, geographical globes and interactive digital products, and has achieved to give students a strong foundation in geographic literacy. We keep providing innovative geography-based educational products to both teachers and students.
Cyprus’s leading provider of geography-based educational products for teachers and students.